There are a lot of things I have learned and done in Hong Kong so far that I am proud of, and hopefully more to come. For example, I can use chopsticks! Sometimes, servers will see that I am a foreigner and ask if I would like a fork, and I always feel good saying no, I would like chopsticks. I can effortlessly navigate the MTR, the train system and main mode of transportation in Hong Kong. I've improved my bargaining skills at night markets. I've tried so many new foods, some good and some bad, but an experience nonetheless. The thing that has been my heart while I've been here is exploring and navigating the undeveloped mountains of Hong Kong. It's been my escape from the dense and at times overwhelming city, and alone or with friends, it never fails to make me feel good and re-centered. Overall, I am glad to have a sense of orientation in this city, when in the beginning I somewhat doubted that I'd ever learn how to get around.
For the rest of the semester, I would like to learn more about the culture of Hong Kong, especially relating to my field of study, Psychology and Substance Abuse and Intervention. Healthcare and medicine in Hong Kong is also a topic that greatly interests me. There is a great contrast between the western and eastern world regarding these topics, and it's one of the reasons I wanted to travel here. I will update with my findings later.
Picture Time!
At the Peak, the most famous lookout in Hong Kong
A local family invited us to join them at their barbecue :)
Hike around the reservoir near Lingnan
Monkey Mountain Hike with the girls, we easily saw around 50 wild monkeys during this trip
Monkeyin' around
A non-ripe banana
Still acting like monkeys...
This photo was taken during international day, where students represented their countries with food, games and performances. Here we are showing our love for our Turkish friend :) Photo's of the American booth to come ;)
Hong Kong Halloween!