Sunday, December 4, 2011

Plans for next month, Keith's Visit and Lingnan Soccer

The last week of classes before finals is approaching at Lingnan University. I am stressed about the last few assignments due, but in anticipation of the future. It's crazy to think that in one months time I will be flying back to Hong Kong from Bangkok. During that month, I have a lot planned. In 4 days(!), I will travel to Beijing with friends, there are 11 of us total. I'm really excited for this because it will be the last big group trip we take before we go our separate ways, plus I'm curious to see what Beijing has to offer and what  Mainland China is like compared to Hong Kong.

After that, I'll be preparing for and completing final exams. On the December 22nd, 3 days after my last exam, I will fly to Singapore with a couple of friends, and from there we will travel north through Malaysia and Thailand, celebrating Christmas and New Years on the way. (It's no wonder I'm having trouble concentrating on writing a paper about history of the Chao Phraya river in Thailand while I'm in the middle planning a trip to this country)

As I said, we will end up in Bangkok where I will fly back to Hong Kong on January 3rd, and fly to Detroit on the 5th. That gives me 5 days to move back to Mount Pleasant and be ready to start classes on January 10th, that is crazy! This month is going to fly by. I need to manage my time so that I can get everything done and still have time to slow down and appreciate what little time I have left on this side of the planet.

Since my last entry, a lot has happened. For one, my boyfriend, Keith, came to visit on short notice! He stayed for 8 days, Thanksgiving included. I gave him the whirlwind tour of Hong Kong, showing him around to places I've been.  We went to Gold Coast Beach, we hiked the mountains behind Lingnan, we explored the night markets, Lan Kwai Fong, Avenue of the Stars, rode the Star Ferry and saw the Big Buddha. We also did things that were new for both of us. We dined in the Felix restaurant, located on the top of the Peninsula hotel, which is famous for it's view of Victoria Harbor. We also saw a few live bands, and went to the Hong Kong Museum of Art, which was a nice informative cultural activity. It was refreshing and strange at the same time to have a part of home here with me in Hong Kong. We had a good time, and it's made me look forward to coming home to the people I love, even with the excitement I'm leaving behind.

The last thing I've been meaning to talk about is my soccer team! I haven't mentioned this since a very early post, but I've been practicing and playing with the Lingnan Women's soccer team all semester. We are not very good, but I've definitely enjoyed playing again. There is only one other exchange student on the team, so being on the team has been a good opportunity to hang out with a group of local Hong Kong students. The coach and I can't talk directly because of the language barrier, but through translation and all the team talks I feel like I got to know her regardless. Anyway, we had our last official game of the Fall semester last weekend (which Keith was able to attend) and I will miss it, so here is part of our photo shoot after the last game! Now I will get back to writing that paper.. :)

^ (Lingnan vs City University & some team bonding)  v

Coach Missy & I